Create the client web app.

Create a directory js and create a new file main.js as we are going to create the client side web app for

<script src="js/main.js"></script>

In the file main.js add

var isInitiator;

room = prompt("Enter room name:");

var socket = io.connect();

if (room !== "") {
  console.log('Joining room ' + room);
  socket.emit('create or join', room);

socket.on('full', function (room){
  console.log('Room ' + room + ' is full');

socket.on('empty', function (room){
  isInitiator = true;
  console.log('Room ' + room + ' is empty');

socket.on('join', function (room){
  console.log('Making request to join room ' + room);
  console.log('You are the initiator!');

socket.on('log', function (array){
  console.log.apply(console, array);